Jimmy Boinembalome
Let's discover the principles of object-oriented programming to produce a better code with some examples in C#.
SOLID is an acronym representing five principles of object-oriented programming (OOP) introduced by Robert C. Martin to build solutions easy to maintain, extend and therefore easy to evolve. Knowing these principles can be useful to any developer wishing to improve the quality of their code.
Robert C. Martin began to group these principles together in the late 1980s, following a number of discussions on software design principles. Over the years, software development has evolved and some principles have been added or removed. However, the software design principles were finally stabilised in 2000.
In 2004, Michael Feathers discussed with Robert C. Martin that if he reorganised the principles, the acronym for the principles would be the word SOLID and thus the SOLID principles were born.
SRP is the first principle of SOLID and says that:
A module should be responsible to one, and only one, actor.
This principle means that a coherent set of functions or a class should have only one responsibility.
If our class has multiple responsibilities, there is a risk that our class will be more difficult to maintain and evolve as it will be highly coupled.
Violation of SRP:
public enum ProductType
Fruit = 0,
Water = 1,
public class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public double Price { get; set; }
public ProductType Type { get; set; }
public class ProductDatabase
public List<Product> LoadFromMemory()
productsInMemory = new List<Product>
new Product { Id = 1, Name = "Apple", Price = 0.5, Type = ProductType.Fruit },
new Product { Id = 2, Name = "Sparkling Water", Price = 2.5, Type = ProductType.Water }
public Product GetProduct(int id)
var products = LoadFromMemory();
var product = products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);
switch (product.Type)
case ProductType.Fruit:
Console.WriteLine("Add VAT to the price of Fruit...");
product.Price *= 1.989;
case ProductType.Water:
Console.WriteLine("Add VAT to the price of Water...");
product.Price *= 1.154;
Console.WriteLine("Unable to add VAT to the price without the product type.");
return product;
As we can see, ProductDatabase
has several responsibilities:
: PersistenceConsole.WriteLine
: LoggingEach time we need to update one of these responsibilities, we will be forced to modify the ProductDatabase
A better approach would be to separate these responsibilities.
Application of SRP:
public class ProductDatabase
public List<Product> LoadFromMemory()
return new List<Product>
new Product { Id = 1, Name = "Apple", Price = 0.5, Type = ProductType.Fruit },
new Product { Id = 2, Name = "Sparkling Water", Price = 2.5, Type = ProductType.Water }
public class ProductRepository
private ProductDatabase Database { get; set; } = new ProductDatabase();
public Product GetProduct(int id)
var products = Database.LoadFromMemory();
var product = products.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id);
return product;
public class ConsoleLogger
public void Log(string message)
public class ProductService
public ConsoleLogger Logger { get; set; } = new ConsoleLogger();
public void AddVatToPrice(Product product)
switch (product.Type)
case ProductType.Fruit:
Logger.Log("Add VAT to the price of Fruit...");
product.Price *= 1.989;
case ProductType.Water:
Logger.Log("Add VAT to the price of Water...");
product.Price *= 1.154;
Logger.Log("Unable to add VAT to the price without the product type.");
With this solution, we obtain a low coupling and a high cohesion.
A software artifact should be open for extension but closed for modification.
OCP means that it should be possible to change the behavior of a method without having to edit its source code.
Let's see the AddVatToPrice
Violation of OCP:
public class ProductService
public ConsoleLogger Logger { get; set; } = new ConsoleLogger();
public void AddVatToPrice(Product product)
switch (product.Type)
case ProductType.Fruit:
Logger.Log("Add VAT to the price of Fruit...");
product.Price *= 1.989;
case ProductType.Water:
Logger.Log("Add VAT to the price of Water...");
product.Price *= 1.154;
Logger.Log("Unable to add VAT to the price without the product type.");
Now, imagine that we have to add VAT to a new type of product, such as Meat.
A logical approach would be to add another case in the switch. This approach is good most of the time and for simple functions like here.
However, we will apply OCP in our example to understand why in many cases it can be useful to follow this principle.
There are lots of ways to follow OCP. We can use Polymorphism, Delegates, Strategy Pattern, Abstract Factory Pattern and many others.
Let's use the last one, the Abstract Factory Pattern.
Application of OCP:
At first, we create a base class for VAT.
public abstract class Vat
protected readonly ConsoleLogger _logger;
public Vat(ConsoleLogger logger)
_logger = logger;
public abstract void Add(Product product);
Then we create classes that inherit from this class for each type of VAT.
public class FruitVat : Vat
public FruitVat(ConsoleLogger logger)
: base(logger)
public override void Add(Product product)
_logger.Log("Add VAT to the price of Fruit...");
product.Price *= 1.989;
public class WaterVat : Vat
public WaterVat(ConsoleLogger logger)
: base(logger)
public override void Add(Product product)
_logger.Log("Add VAT to the price of Water...");
product.Price *= 1.154;
Now we add our factory which will create the appropriate instance of Vat
and return an object of type Vat
(because any class that inherits from Vat
is a Vat
public class VatFactory
public Vat Create(Product product, ConsoleLogger logger)
return product.Type switch
ProductType.Fruit => new FruitVat(logger),
ProductType.Water => new WaterVat(logger),
_ => null,
And finally we instantiate the factory in ProductService
public class ProductService
public ConsoleLogger Logger { get; set; } = new ConsoleLogger();
public void AddVatToPrice(Product product)
Logger.Log($"Price of {product.Name} before adding VAT: {product.Price}");
var factory = new VatFactory();
var vat = factory.Create(product, Logger);
if (vat == null)
Logger.Log("Unable to add VAT to the price without the product type.");
Logger.Log($"Price of {product.Name} after adding VAT: {product.Price}");
As we can see, now ProductService
is closed to modification and VatFactory
is open to extension.
If for each object o1 of type S there is an object o2 of type T such that for all programs P defined in terms of T, the behaviour of P is unchanged when o1 is substituted for o2 then S is a subtype of T.
A more approachable definition is simply subtypes must be substitutable for their base types.
Regarding our example on the product VAT, we already follow the LSP principle.
Indeed, FruitVat
, WaterVat
inherit from the base class Vat
and inside our factory we can call vat.Add
since after all, any type of Vat
is a Vat
Therefore, everything is fine? Unfortunately not exactly, we have one case that does not follow the LSP principle.
Violation of LSP:
public class VatFactory
public Vat Create(Product product, ConsoleLogger logger)
return product.Type switch
ProductType.Fruit => new FruitVat(logger),
ProductType.Water => new WaterVat(logger),
_ => null,
var vat = factory.Create(product, Logger);
if (vat == null)
Console.WriteLine("Unable to add VAT to the price without the product type.");
Here, when a product is unknown, we cannot add the VAT and an error message is shown. Therefore, we violate the LSP principle because we treat unknown products differently from other product types.
Let's take another approach that follows LSP.
Application of LSP:
public class UnknownVat : Vat
public UnknownVat(ConsoleLogger logger)
: base(logger)
public override void Add(Product product)
_logger.Log("Unable to add VAT to the price without the product type.");
public class VatFactory
public Vat Create(Product product, ConsoleLogger logger)
return product.Type switch
ProductType.Fruit => new FruitVat(logger),
ProductType.Water => new WaterVat(logger),
_ => new UnknownVat(logger),
var vat = factory.Create(product, Logger);
A client should never be forced to implement an interface that it doesn’t use or clients shouldn’t be forced to depend on methods they do not use
When you think about it, having an interface with many methods brings a strong coupling. More exactly, all classes that depend on this interface must implement all its methods.
However, what if we only need one or two methods?
One solution is to split this interface into small cohesive interfaces.
Let's look at with an example.
Violation of ISP:
We will add a LoadFromXml
method to the IProductDatabase
interface because a second application loads products from this source.
public interface IProductDatabase
List<Product> LoadFromMemory();
List<Product> LoadFromXml();
Since both applications must have consistent code, we use this interface in our application as well.
public class ProductDatabase : IProductDatabase
public List<Product> LoadFromMemory()
public List<Product> LoadFromXml()
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public class ProductRepository
private IProductDatabase Database { get; set; } = new ProductDatabase();
As we can see here, we are constrained to have the LoadFromXml
method which we will not use in our application.
Let's divide this interface.
Application of ISP:
public interface IMemoryLoad<T> where T : class
List<T> LoadFromMemory();
public interface IXmlLoad<T> where T : class
List<T> LoadFromXml();
public interface IProductDatabase :
To avoid breaking the second application, IProductDatabase
inherits from IMemoryLoad
, and IXmlLoad
. This way, IProductDatabase
will always have to implement the LoadFrom methods for the 2 sources.
On our side we will create another interface that will inherit only from IMemoryLoad
. (Or we can also use IMemoryLoad
directly if we are sure to use only this source)
public interface IOriginalProductDatabase :
public class ProductRepository
private IOriginalProductDatabase Database { get; set; } = new ProductDatabase();
public class ProductDatabase : IOriginalProductDatabase
High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.
The high-level modules are those that contain the core of the application. This is where we mainly find our business rules and anything that tends to be more abstract.
On the other side, the low-level modules are those that are related to details. They often concern inputs and outputs. For example, file reader, database querying, logging, sending mail etc.
To keep it simple, DIP means that a class should not depend directly on another class, but rather on an abstraction (e.g an interface) of this class.
Let's go back to the ProductRepository
Violation of DIP:
public class ProductRepository
private IOriginalProductDatabase Database { get; set; } = new ProductDatabase();
Here, our ProductRepository
depends on Database
because we are creating a new instance of ProductDatabase
However, according to the Repository Pattern, a repository is an abstraction that does not depend on the database.
Therefore, we will reverse this dependency.
Application of DIP:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var IOriginalProductDatabase database = new ProductDatabase();
var productRepository = new ProductRepository(database);
var products = productRepository.GetProducts();
public class ProductRepository
private readonly IOriginalProductDatabase _database;
public ProductRepository(IOriginalProductDatabase database)
_database = database;
Now ProductRepository depends on an abstraction. This means that in the future we will not need to modify ProductRepository if we want to replace the database.
Applying SOLID principles can be beneficial in many cases if we want to build robust software that is easy to maintain and easy to evolve. It is also important to remember to apply the SOLID principles according to the context.
For example, for small projects that will not evolve, not following SOLID may be acceptable. It can make the code more complex and ultimately we can spend more time develto develop the solution when it could be simpler.
Thanks for reading my first article! ❤️